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    Falls Service Pilot Scheme Launches In Shrewsbury

    Sourced from: This week sees the launch of our exciting new pilot service aimed at helping to reduce demand on frontline ambulance services, to ensure patients are seen in an even more timely manner. Our new 24-hour ‘falls’ service has[...]

    Herida Medical Acquired by Winncare, Leading International Medical Device Company

    Winncare, a leading European manufacturer of beds, pressure care products, patient handling equipment, and hygiene solutions has acquired Herida Medical, strengthening its pressure area care portfolio and providing entry into the maintenance and decontamination market. The acquisition was completed on[...]

    Reablement and Post Fall Management – why the UK leads the world in manual handling best practice

    We invited Deborah Harrison to assess the Mangar Eagle, the latest lifting cushion (lifting chair)  in the range and to talk all things moving and handling.  Deborah is the founder of A1 Risk Solutions and is recognised internationally for her[...]

    The new Mangar Eagle Lifting Cushion is a hit with Tracey Carr

    I am a plus sized person, currently weighing approximately 180kgs and 1.72m tall. I am fit, healthy and mobile and my muscle tone and body condition are good. For the purposes of the evaluation I was as passive as I[...]

    Falls & Dementia

    Falls can be an inevitable part of living with dementia, as it is associated with an ongoing decline of the brain and its abilities. The risk factors of falling are greater as the condition incurs problems with mobility, balance, and[...]

    What are the common causes of falls with people living with dementia?

    What are the common causes of falls with people living with dementia?   By researching and understanding the various causes of falls, this can increase awareness and hopefully prevent certain falls from happening. If a fall does occur, then an[...]

    Mangar Health Celebrates 40 Years of Innovation

    2021 is the year Mangar Health celebrates 40 years of a business, a company founded on a unique idea to enable an elderly, but fiercely independent  family member to bathe safely and with dignity. Founded at their cottage in the[...]

    Just get me up!

    Mangar Health was delighted to host a falls and frailty webinar this morning for the College of Paramedics, attracting more than 300 EMS delegates. Gary Strong, national CPD manager from COP, welcomed experts from the sector and chaired an event[...]

    The impact of repetitive lifting on emergency services personnel

    Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMSDs) account for a significant number of lost workdays worldwide according to the World Health Organization. Amongst the highest frequency of this per occupation you will find is amongst emergency services personnel (Imani et al 2019).[...]

    Bariatric moving & handling- challenges and solutions

    The moving and handling challenges presented to carers and professionals when supporting their bariatric patients can be considerable and numerous, depending on the environment they find themselves in and the relative weight of the individual requiring support. This article does[...]

    Domiciliary Care Company, Doris Jones has Mangar lifting cushion funded through COVID Infection Control scheme

    Physiotherapist Caroline Southgate is the founder of domiciliary care company Doris Jones. Like many health and social care organisations, COVID-19 has brought a new set of challenges for the business. An increased focus on infection control in order to protect[...]

    SECAmb pioneering new protocol for spinal injury patients

    South East Coast Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust (SECAmb) is pioneering a new treatment protocol for spinal injury patients in the UK, designed to reform pre-hospital care and deliver better outcomes.  The ground-breaking concept has been successfully adopted in Australia, Norway[...]

    Rock Legend has a Whole Lotta Love for local Community Nursing Teams

    A rock legend has described Worcestershire’s community nurses as ‘unsung heroes’ after donating new equipment to one of the local NHS teams this week. Robert Plant, front man of iconic rock band Led Zeppelin, has donated a new emergency lifting[...]

    Safe lifting for carers and residents using lifting cushions

    Care Homes across the UK are committed to creating a safe, happy environment for both residents and their carers.  Managers are regularly implementing and reviewing policies that protect those in their care but resident falls remains a constant challenge in[...]

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